Wednesday, July 18, 2012

First thoughts

A team from my church just got back from a mission trip in St. Regis / Haugan, MT.  We saw some beautiful scenery, a live moose off the side of the interstate, HUGE mountains, glaciers, and God's handiwork was all around us. 

I was privileged to write a few emails back home to our prayer partners on the trip.  Several people complimented me and said I did a good job.  It always makes me feel odd when I get praise for what little writing I do.  So after I sent the emails out it wet my appitite to start writing again.  I have not written anything since I graduated college in August of 2000 (GO VOLS!).

I also watched the ladies around me on the mission trip and saw how they constantly were in worship with God. Meg Bell just amazes me at her worshipful spirit.  I am in awe that she can be constantly in tune with what God has to tell her.  She has been through a TON of stuff this past year.  I took some ideas that she incorporates into her daily worship with God and thought I would try them to see if it helped me.  

Since I got home (and I was gone a week and 1/2 since I had this crazy grand idea of going to Pigeon Forge right after we got back) I have went to bed listening to Praise and Worship music.  Big deal you say.  So what.  Doesn't it keep you up?  Yes - it is a big deal.  So what - God has spoken to me through it.  And no - I still fall asleep as God constantly speaks to me.

Last night I needed a pad of paper and pen by the bed as He was just chatting my ear off.  Of course now I can't remember exactly what He was telling me and I regret not being better prepared for His words.  

God can speak to us via any means He finds necessary.  Didn't He speak to Balaam via a donkey in Numbers 22:23? "Then the Lord opened the donkey's mouth, and she said to Balaam, "What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?" If God can speak to Balaam through a donkey, I think He can speak to me as I fall asleep listening to Praise and Worship music.

God showed me this past week that He wants us to build relationships with other people.  And by relationship I don't mean a nod of the head, a grunt, or a "Hey, How are you doing?"  He made that VERY evident to our team this past week in MT.  Here we as a church group from Grace Baptist Church in Knoxville, TN (Karns) and a few other churches though we were going out West to save the sinner!  Well, maybe not that way, but do you get my drift?  Our plans changed so many times.  Several members of the group got very frustrated and were very unsure of the trip.  We fretted, we worried and to be quite honest we didn't think God knew what He was doing (after all if we did would we have worried and fretted as we did?). 

But God's perfect plans ALWAYS win out!  I bet we make God laugh more then once when we attempt to correct His situation in our lives.  What made us think we could ever change His plans? How small minded are we? 

A bit of what I am writing is being taken in part from the emails I sent out to the prayer partners.  Back to the relationship part.  We found out it would be very different then what we thought when we arrived in MT.  The New Day Fellowship is there to build relationships and to take care of physical needs of the people in that area.  I wrote in an email isn't that what Jesus did?  Did He not build relationships by first taking care of a physical need and then He met the spiritual need of eternal life?  Are we not to follow His example?

Build relationships with people, meet their physical needs.  God out and be Jesus to someone!  How else will someone who is not in church be able to see Him?  Allow Jesus to shine through 


So I feel for a first time blog I have typed your ear off.  I am almost 40 with 2 kids (1 with ADHD), 4 dogs, and I have been married for 12 1/2 years.  We are coming up on lucky number 13.  

Thanks for listening to me and by the way - GO VOLS!  

Go be Jesus to someone today!

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